Water Resources Act
The enactment of this progressive piece of legislation, the Water Resources Act (1995), can only benefit the achievement of sustainable development. This marked a 25-year effort to address the deficiencies in legislation for the proper administration, development and optimal use of the island’s water resources.

Water Sector Policy
The Jamaica Water Sector Policy was prepared as a Paper by the Ministry of Water in January 1999. Following approval by the Cabinet of the Government of Jamaica in March 1999, work commenced on the strategies and action plans.
This policy outlined the current situation and problems within the water sector, defined the objectives of the Government to address the issues, and set out the mode of implementation. To ensure that the policy was implemented effectively, the Government mandated the water agencies to prepare a Water Sector Strategy. This strategy would indicate how the policies are to be implemented and would ensure an integrated and co-coordinated approach between all the agencies.
The Jamaica Water Sector Policy – Strategies and Actions Plans was prepared by the Ministry of Water and Housing in 2004.
Water Resources Master Plan
This plan guides water resources development on a national level. It contains an inventory of Jamaica’s surface water and groundwater resources in relation to supplying the present as well as future demand for water by all users.
Corporate Plan
This outlines the programmes, objectives and future work activities of the WRA over a three year period as mandated by the Water Resources Act, 1995.